搖滾樂(A-M) 倫敦奧運 The Clash London Calling 

世世代代召喚你的London Calling

倫敦奧運進入倒數第一百天,所以來聽官方奧運歌,The Clash的《倫敦召喚》(London Calling)。

London Calling》是單曲名,也是雙黑膠專輯名稱,出版於1979年,就我個人的評價,是史上最重要的龐克專輯。它勾勒貧民窟生活、反商業建制、DiY,以及革命精神。聽了《London Calling》,你就知道龐克永遠不只是頭髮與破爛T恤、安全別針,我甚至很想說,龐克與它的「服裝與藝術指導」Malcolm McLaren根本沒關係。(嗯,這是我個人的切割,雖然是反歷史事實言論。)

聽搖滾的,大約都得承認《London Calling》在某個人生階段,呼喚你,引導你,直到你完全被人生折磨到失去革命熱情為止。

但是沒關係,《London Calling》始終召喚世世代代的年輕人,說著「歷史尚未被書寫」(History is Unwritten)。不管你是後龐克,後搖滾,後現代,龐克的精神始終沒有死亡,而是茁壯於各種類型裡。這就是《London Calling》留給我們的最大資產。(請前往留言1聽歌,看歌詞。)


London Calling official video

London Calling


London calling to the faraway towns

Now that war is declared-and battle come down

London calling to the underworld

Come out of the cupboard, all you boys and girls

London calling, now don't look at us

All that phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust

London calling, see we ain't got no swing

'Cept for the ring of that truncheon thing



The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in

Engines stop running and the wheat is growing thin

A nuclear error, but I have no fear

London is drowning-and I live by the river


London calling to the imitation zone

Forget it, brother, an' go it alone

London calling upon the zombies of death

Quit holding out-and draw another breath

London calling-and I don't wanna shout

But when we were talking-I saw you nodding out

London calling, see we ain't got no highs

Except for that one with the yellowy eyes




Now get this

London calling, yeah, I was there, too

An' you know what they said? Well, some of it was true!

London calling at the top of the dial

After all this, won't you give me a smile?

London Calling 被用在許多電影裡,個人認為最棒的是這個「舞動人生」(Billy Elliot)



  遮蔽天空下的啟示錄(修訂版) 摩洛哥、垮世代、迷幻與切割藝術   (人類學,世界音樂,書籍)                                           作家Paul Bowels ,圖片來自美國國會圖書館 一九九九年十一月十八日,小說家包爾斯(Pau...